Non-Formal Education

Non-Formal Education is problematic in how it is defined because it is not defined by what non-formal education is. It is typically defined within an education spectrum that incorporates how it relates to formal education and Informal learning. 

A definition of non-formal education from UNESCO

Education that is institutionalized, intentional and planned by an education provider. The defining characteristic of non-formal education is that it is an addition, alternative and/or a complement to formal education within the process of the lifelong learning of individuals. It is often provided to guarantee the right of access to education for all. It caters for people of all ages, but does not necessarily apply a continuous pathway-structure; it may be short in duration and/or low intensity, and it is typically provided in the form of short courses, workshops or seminars. Non-formal education mostly leads to qualifications that are not recognized as formal qualifications by the relevant national educational authorities or to no qualifications at all. Non-formal education can cover programmes contributing to adult and youth literacy and education for out-of-school children, as well as programmes on life skills, work skills, and social or cultural development.

Source definition: ISCED 2011

Interview with Margo Griffith

Joint Position on Non-Formal Education .pdf

The Big 6 Youth Organizations:

Joint Position on Non-Formal Education

Lifelong Learning Course

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

Spotify Playlist

Podcasts talking about Non-Formal Education

YouTube Playlist

YouTube videos about Non-Formal Education

Goodreads Books

List of Books about Non-Formal Education


Non-Formal Learning


Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning


Non-Formal Education Book


Quality Assurance of Non-formal education A framework for youth organisations

QA NFE_150 (1).pdf

Quality Assurance Toolkit for Open and Distance NFE

Innovations in non-formal education: initiatives from the Asia-Pacific Region

Informal, non-formal and formal education

UNESCO NFE Basic Education Reform.pdf

Non-formal education: 

Basic Education Reform


Combining formal, non-formal and informal learning for workforce skill development

unesco and non formal education.pdf

Non-formal education: Information and planning issues


The Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning in Australia


Young people's views of the outcomes of nonformal education in youth organisations


The Lessons of Non-Formal Learning for Urban Youth

Due Credit.pdf


Youth development programs

Report_ The Value of Non-Formal Education.pdf


The value of non-formal education